
Concepts, 2nd-Tier

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Articles: 'Belief concerning nicotine drives behaviour and dopamine availability' & The Experience of Considering


Here are a few articles, which all are about the same study:

Belief in nicotine's powers can increase addiction

Belief about nicotine content in cigarettes can curb cravings

Level Of Smoking Addiction Determined By Smoker’s Perception Of Nicotine

Excerpt from the first article:

Smokers get a rush of dopamine when nicotine from a cigarette enters their body.

It's this chemical reaction that means so many people are addicted to smoking.

But scientists believe there is something else at play - a smoker's belief in the chemical reaction can also change their cravings. 

In a study, researchers have discovered that if smokers don’t think they are getting nicotine, the rush of dopamine never arrives.

Except from the second article:

The smokers who got the nicotine, or simply believed they did, reported reduced cravings and the scan recorded increased neural activity. 

'When they believed there is nicotine and they had nicotine, the craving correlated with these anterior insula activations — but when they did not believe so, that correlation was gone." Gu said.

"Even when they had nicotine, but did not believe there was nicotine, their brain did not respond [with higher neural activity] and they still reported as much craving as before," she said.

"Basically, you have nicotine and your brain is kind of on, but the twist here is you have to have nicotine, but also believe you have nicotine for the brain to be on," she said.

"So in other words, if you have nicotine, but did not think so — you thought you had some kind of placebo — then your brain is still off," Gu said.

While the biological pull of nicotine plays a key role in the addiction, a person's belief system can also exert a pharmacological effect, she said.

Researchers hope the study, recently published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, will tell them more about the mechanism of addiction.

"It looks like addiction is not just about the substance itself, but also the belief you need the substance to have a normal daily life," Gu said.

She said the study shows why cognitive therapy is so important in changing a smoker's beliefs.


The conclusion of this study claims to have discovered something which I've already explained in much greater detail.

Recently, in the post Article: "this is how social media affects your brain", I said:

It will be no different if a person considers pouring hot-sauce in their belly-button, or any other inane activity: Whatever a person believes in which consider within their brain, to make their person's well-being status as OK only evaluate as True when the concept that is their belief is fulfilled, which will always free up dopamine, since those considerings, conscious and sub forefront-conscious, will be resolved once their reasons are fulfilled, and considering is the work of a brain, and the work that requires dopamine to connect pieces of information in new ways.

And in the post Overview of Why Placebo Works, and Isn't Really Placebo After All, I said:

- The mechanisms of the metabolic pathway can be triggered in two ways: by decomposition of a molecule (which itself has a frequency that carries its meaning as a signal and equates to a ‘This Is’ declaration upon whatever it contacts), or by a reasoned thought-signal that contains the same declarative information

I also talked on the same theme in the post The Placebo Effect is Belief Freeing Up Dopamine to Help Healing Consider


I wish it wouldn't be said in the news articles about this study'd finding that "scientists believe there is something else at play," or that science would be mentioned at all, since the greatest understanding of these things comes from me, and I did not use any science to come to know them, or read any similar understanding from any scientist's work before I spoke these things from my own knowing. In fact, when I spoke them, it was in complete opposition to and rejection of everything I'd ever heard said from the perspectives of those calling themselves scientists. I knew the truth because of Reason, and I spoke it because it is the truth. To indicate science in this is to hijack some of the full understanding's considerations, and align them in ways which spoil the image of truth of the matter.

No science was needed to know, with certainty, that this happens, because its understanding is simply inherent in the knowledge that dopamine is a brain's work potential, and that considering is a brain's work for which dopamine is required, that considering is a streaming of considerations, that a consideration is polar, that a mind is all-factoring and inter-dependent, and that belief is a 'This Is' command upon which Reason immutably acts.

There is no test, observation, research, studying, institutions, regulations needed to know even the greatest of truths. There is simply belief, considering, knowing.


As Tesla said, “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

Well, what is received is a streaming of considerations, which is considering. And what enables considering is belief, which is a 'This Is' command, upon which Reason acts. But an environment that is heavily falsified, such as the mind of a scientist, cannot very easily consider, because the environment of considerations which is their mind evaluates as False against all realty, because of their determinations, and so cannot produce a truthful 'This is' command, to initiate considering. But if they could, then considering is similar to this scene in Transformers.

However, in that scene, the character who information is considering through is being raped by another force, and is not in control - which, by the way, is what doctors do to synapses in people's brains whom they impose their False institutional doctrine concerning dopamine, drug-use, upon. And that is a major part of what is happening in a psychosis, which, like many other things, is only caused by a lack of dopamine to connect information to stop the broken considering processes from forcefully pushing information through synapses not in sync with all other information. And this is also what is happening in the case of autistic children being sensitive to sounds, light etc. Unfortunately, licensed medicines are, relative to cocaine, complete garbage and poison when it comes to being effective at helping against these things, because of their far worse dopamine / adrenergic effect ratios, with the adrenergic effect increasing the workload of a brain, while dopamine increases the capacity for a brain to handle larger workloads.

Considering with reasoning is also like this scene from The Fifth Element, where the character learns via watching progressive scenes on a subject, reasoning their collective meaning as the scenes progress.

With considering, and reasoning while considering, the scenes are the reasoned meaning of all known considerations, and they can consider at even millions of times the rate of those which the Fifth Element character is watching in the given clip. And the individual scenes are made of great expanses of considerations, connecting across many dimensions. And the considered scenes themselves can even be living, with their contents being living experiences of the considerations which make them.

Einstein engaged a basic level of this when he thought in pictures, and came up with his theory of relativity. But neither Einstein, nor Tesla, though they engaged considering at basic levels, knew the greater reality of these things. They neither identified the movement and interaction of considerations as a knowledge to grow, and only focused on producing works in their fields via their individual abilities as they were without any recognition for what the difference was between their minds and other people's.

But, Jesus had already spoken the same as Tesla's "My brain is only a receiver" comment, when saying "By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me." And considering grows into forms far greater and more magnificent than either of these examples, or the capabilities Tesla and Einstein possessed.


While Tesla was fascinated by what the small could be made to do, and worked upon the small with a separation between it and himself, I know the full resolution, Reason, which gives the small its meaning and purpose, and by knowing Reason, I also know all the considerations which resolve into it, not as an outsider, but as an equal, and as one mind, with the shared sight of all who are in Reason. These considerations not only reveal the truth about what is, but they also are what is.

If I'm willing, I can write what resolves everything that all those working in the field of physics seek, and far greater, in a single post. But, as of now, I am not resolved to do this.

A truthful person and a sociopath speak from different devices. A truthful person only speaks what has already been fully considered, and which is already true and reason. A falsehood-bearing person makes determinations about what is, and speaks their determinations without knowing anything. In the truthful person, the truth is their leading considering, and their self is placed last. In the falsehood-bearing person, their own self is their leading consideration, and the truth is placed last. By determining ones self ahead of the truth, the possibility for the truth to present is falsified.

What good is all the information in the universe if it is achieved by determination, and so is outside of you, and therefore you and that information as one is not the truth? The movement of considerations evaluating True into one another is life, and as Jesus said, "Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death," and also, "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"

Making determinations reduces connectivity between considerations. If everything a person has is by making determinations upon what they perceive as being outside of themselves, then there is little connection between the determiner, and all the things that they imposed determinations upon. So how will a person be able to consider through those things so that their life will continue? They will be vulnerable to the "outer darkness" that Jesus spoke of, and these words: "But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself? This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God."

So, what if all that a person has aligned themselves to is a granfalloon? That granfalloon as a whole does not consider into the truth.


Now, back to the articles about nicotine cravings being subdued by a belief which resolving anxious considering thereby freeing up dopamine-availability, thereby increasing a person's well-being and functionality.

At the end of the CBC article, this is printed:

Researchers hope the study, recently published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, will tell them more about the mechanism of addiction.

"It looks like addiction is not just about the substance itself, but also the belief you need the substance to have a normal daily life," Gu said.

A tremendous fallacy in these statements is the use of the term "addiction," which shows that the mind speaking such is carrying determinations which are causing their considering to collapse into falsehood.

Inherent within the term of addiction are considerations which speak that a person has no control, that a person is not acting by controlled choice, and that a person's behaviour is not acceptable. If a person accepts the term of addiction as True, then Reason will cause the considerations within their own mind, which form those messages, to align in a manner which is against their own personal strength and ability to overcome. Addiction doesn't exist in the truth, but is an imposition which sociopaths place upon others in order to dominate and exploit those people. By accepting the idea of addiction, a person is choosing to allow  be dominated by its concepts.

Accepting the message of addiction is the same as accepting the message of "you can't," which doesn't allow considerations to pass, which makes it impossible for a person to overcome. And this is the great deceit, theft, and treachery behind Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as government and institutional anti-drug messaging, which has been cultivating non-confident drug usage, which is the cause of all the problems which those in government and institutional medicine continue to try to attribute to drugs.

I spoke the following, in the post: Adendum - Migraines are Dopamine Deficiency - and also: The Importance of Tact in Dopaminergic Application - and also: The Importance of Considering the Truth

(I've also now added a link to the above, in this blog's previous post: Article: "Percocet Ruins Lives", But It Saved This Woman's)

Considerations have polarity, and receive their identity as relative to one another. And such a belief aligns certain considerations in a negative manner, and for as long as it evaluates as True towards the activity a person is engaging in, all signals relating to that activity will pass through that consideration, and receive an antagonistic influence, a quantum of negative consideration-value, which can infect the whole mind. And increasing adrenaline and noradrenaline will accelerate the considering of those things that are worries, and progressively amplify the presence of negative consideration-value in the brain until a time when things settle down and they can be reconsidered into normalcy. This is where drug-induced anxiety and psychosis come from - there is nothing inherent in the drugs taken themselves that cause thes)e things, but it is a contagion created by doctors, scientists, and government, out of their sociopathic inclinations to attempt to justify their own statuses by demeaning and harming those of others, who they deem as targets for their prejudice.
Also, ironically, when anti-drug propaganda is being administered to a society, there is a growth in sociopathism within that society, and a reduction in intelligence within that society, and the harms put into children and teenagers are those very ones which anti-drug propaganda would have them think come from drugs: Considering is the mechanism behind evolution, and a brain develops its connections through the course of considering. Those connections themselves represent the considerations of a person's mind, and greater Truth is manifest the more considerations are accounted for within an environment - and considerations which resolve into one form concepts. A determination is like a road-block that prevents considering from occurring - and the more determinations held in a mind, the less presence of truth there is in that mind, and the more selfish and sociopathic it is likely to be.

And just as I said in this post:

The considerations that are being held in the concept of science have their truthful placements elsewhere, and science must be discarded so that the truth may appear.

And as I spoke similarly concerning memories, in this post, it is the same regarding harmful drug-usage habits, where the imposed determination of "addiction" has forced the alignment of its involved considerations, in a case of 'if one then not the other', to dominate, subjugate, and exploit a person:

A person cannot overcome the traits of addiction while accepting the notion of addiction as a truth. It is a ball-and-chain that keeps people in the state of dependence upon the directives of sociopaths outside of themselves. People use drugs because they are addicted in the same sense that black people run fast because they have lots of practice from needing to get away after stealing something. Use of the denigrating term addiction is about maintaining a barrier that prevents the truth from being considered, and the upending of a long reign of sociopathic dominance over those people who are most vulnerable in society due to their low dopamine-availability, which is largely due to their considering the words of sociopaths imposed upon them as True in the first place.

Therefore, the first step to overcome any harmful drug-usage is to first believe and know that it is OK to use drugs, and that it always was. Drugs were never the problem, but harmful messaging coming from doctors, government, and scientists, rather than truthful consideration of the matter of drugs, is what really caused people to experience harms from drugs.

The symptoms of addiction cannot exist in a person unless a person first believes in the concept of addiction, and that it applies to them. And the concept of addiction did not arise because it was truth, but because sociopaths wanted a label to impose upon people other than themselves, to dominate and put them beneath themselves.

But the basis for people seeking dopamine-increasing drugs is simply that they are deficient in dopamine-availability, and therefore the solution is to increase their dopamine availability. Even where the solution is to overcome beliefs which are causing worried considering, which is diminishing their dopamine-availability, the solution is still to increase their dopamine-availability. And a person cannot overcome harmful beliefs without first having sufficient dopamine-availability to do the work of reconsidering, and therefore increasing dopamine-availability to give a brain enough physio-fuel for that work comes first.

And much of what causes diminished dopamine-availability within people who use drugs is the impression imposed upon them that there's something wrong with what they're doing. But everyone's brain runs on the effect of cocaine, and cannot perform any work without enough of it being there first.

Also, sociopaths only have lots of dopamine-availability because they have made determinations to obstruct consideration of the truth, reducing the amount of work which their brains are attempting, while means having ample dopamine-availability.

So, there very first harmful belief for a person who suffers dopamine-deficiency (which is all that "addiction" really is) to overcome, is the notion of addiction being anything other than a falsehood which keeps a person imprisoned. Without that, nothing further can be done. So, the first step to overcoming harmful drug habits is for a person to accept that it is OK to use drugs.

Related posts:

How Belief Affects Mental Stress Treatment, and the Effect that Anti-Drug Propaganda Has on Mental Health
A Simple Truth About "Addiction" Drug Use, and Trauma
Further Information on "Addiction" and Drug-Associated Health Issues, and the Environment that Produces them
Article: "Percocet Ruins Lives", But It Saved This Woman's
Woot, found the reference (that I had wanted to include in the previous post)!


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