Anything less than True is False, and so it is in a mind, where concepts are made of considerations, which each have a polarity. For a concept to evaluate as True, all its considerations must unify into a True altogether. And if just one of a concept's considerations is aligned against the whole picture, and evaluating as True against that picture, then that entire concept evaluates as False.
If a consideration is aligned against the understanding that what a person does is OK, then that contrarily-aligned consideration is feeding a streaming +1 value against the person's confidence and security, which is a continual +(-1) being imparted upon their wholeness. This progressively splits the person's mind with growing uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, which can lead to fear, and panic.
And when a person has taken a drug that accelerates the pace at which their mind works, then the descent into internal suffering is all the worse.
But be sure to make full note that this is not caused by the drug itself, and is a poisonous seed that was sewn in their minds by anti-drug messaging, and messaging of non-acceptance or non-approval for doing such things. The reality will still be that the dopamine which they seek from the drugs they take is still what their brain runs on, and what is needed to make the difference between their suffering and their well-being.
And then those who sowed that harmful self-doubting considering within the people who experience it purport to treat and "help" them, all the while profiting monetarily and reputation-wise off the states that they, and those of their professions before them created, and maintain in society. And then those people further "reward" themselves by fulfilling their determinations for what makes them personally a good dog, contributing to an ideology that is false, and their reward is a release of the same dopamine in their already over-dopamined brains as that which they work to prevent from being increased in the brains of those who need it most.
The choice to employ social engineering against people who engaged in drug use, which ostracized them and caused all the problems the institution then presents itself as being needed to look after was not done out of caring for the people who were being harmed, and a doctor who employs the institution's teaching does not firstly, and therefore genuinely care about the people they practice those teachings upon. But they are charlatans, who do the things they do, not with the truth, compassion and care for another person as their leading consideration, but because of what I've written in the post A Treatise of Existence, part 2:
When a person makes a determination, they align considerations against one another within their own mind, because of Reason, and the amount of space within their mind that they are able to exist in at any one given time, and have evaluate as True, is reduced, while at the same time, the number of considerations they experience as opposing what they’ve determined to be True increases.
Also, as a person increases the volume of consideration value within their mind that is negative, relative to their determinations, they will feel incomplete unless something fills that negative consideration value, something that they can label and target, and use to define themselves as good by defining good within themselves as being ‘not that,’ contrasting themselves against those things (for example, a physician often fills their negative consideration-value with determined concepts of people who use dopaminergics as having problems that need institutional defining and direction, and simultaneously define themselves as good for not being like this, and so are deserving of their determined concept of "reward," which is the same dopamine, only gained through false-pretenses).
All things are made of considerations, and whereas a person may do something and physical trace is no longer apparent afterwards, it is not the same with consideration. Everything is delivering consideration to everything else, and all consideration is accounted for in the truth. The consideration of what was done regarding these things remains, lingering in society, and its negative consideration value is tremendous. And here is what has been done:
Government, scientists, and doctors have spent decades disseminating false research and prolific messaging that instils uncertainty, nervousness, doubt, fear, feelings of non-acceptable drug usage, which causes mental agitation, divides a mind, and negative considering when a person takes drugs. Then they work to convince people that they have a problem, when convincing them of such is the root cause of behaviour that is problematic. Then they use the expression of those things that were artificially put into people and society as justification for doing those things to people with their messaging and ostracization in the first place. They then feed institutions and "professionals" (who are charlatans that don't actually know anything truthful) who profit both monetarily and reputation-wise for "helping" people with the problems they and their institutions created.
Further, because anything less than True is False, by imposing ideological determinations upon people who use drugs, that might convince them that there is a problem, that something is not fully right, that they would be better otherwise, they cause consideration towards the state of full well-being within the person to be aligned against their own state of full well-being, so long as they don't modify their behaviour, and in doing so, they not only create, but they lock-in, as perpetual, the person's state of feeling want and need.
And for those who they successfully convince of their determinations, to conform to them, who do so only to feel more accepted, such as the institution of Alcoholics Anonymous, are left in a state of perpetual imprisonment, not allowed to overcome that consideration that keeps them out of full-being. And because those people have accepted the determinations which are aligned against the thoughts and behaviour of allowing drug use, those people have accepted a prejudice into themselves. And these people are examples of who Jesus spoke of when he said to the Pharisees of his day:
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are."
What is considered into a person become digested by their mind, and a part of their feeling and being. And just as with raising a child, a parent has the option of telling things which deliver positive consideration and build a child up and give them strength of character, or deliver discouraging and abusive consideration, which leads to all problems inside of the person, it is the same with adults: Truthful and constructive messaging will build an adult person, while antagonistic, demoralizing consideration will wear an adult person down until they are defeated.
Institutional medicine, government, doctors, scientists have chosen, for decades, to degrade, demoralize, deceive, to instil fear, worry, and doubt into people who use drugs, and to ostracize them for using drugs. If they had seen those people as equal and valuable, then they would have considered them as being equal and valuable. And if they had chosen to consider the person as equal and valuable, and delivered the messaging that affirms a person's right to choose, and to have confidence in their choice, then none of the problems associated which drug use would exist, because those problems are not caused by drug use at all, but by society's chosen reaction and attitude towards it.
It is exactly as written at the end of this article:
"It may well be that prohibition, and distribution of drugs by criminals, gives worse results for the outcomes we think are important, such as harm to the user and to communities through crime. But equally, we may tolerate these outcomes, because we decide it is more important that we declare ourselves to disapprove of drug use."
And it is because government, scientists, doctors chose to deny a person's right to choose over their own body, instead imposing their ideology upon people's bodies and minds, that they are equal to rapists: Because the effects of a person imposing their will upon another bears will always bear the same detrimental meaning upon the considerations of a person's mind, and that detrimental influence is the identity of rape. Do not judge by outside appearance, but judge only once having considered all things truthfully. And remember that I've said that the truth is one consideration giving itself to another with neither force nor resistance.
And all that people who practice rape as their profession have accrued for themselves in property and reputation is ill-gained, and stolen from those whose lives were raped by the messaging that was determined and imposed upon them. And this is the judgement that stands against those who did these things to other people: all the attributed ills of a drug-user's affliction are the debt owed by those who refused to choose a more considerate message to give to those people.
And beware of the behaviour that I described earlier:
Government, scientists, and doctors have spent decades disseminating false research and prolific messaging that instils uncertainty, nervousness, doubt, fear, feelings of non-acceptable drug usage, which causes mental agitation, divides a mind, and negative considering when a person takes drugs. Then they work to convince people that they have a problem, when convincing them of such is the root cause of behaviour that is problematic. Then they use the expression of those things that were artificially put into people and society as justification for doing those things to people with their messaging and ostracization in the first place. They then feed institutions and "professionals" (who are charlatans that don't actually know anything truthful) who profit both monetarily and reputation-wise for "helping" people with the problems they and their institutions created.
Because this is typical behaviour of sociopaths: They make determinations to give themselves leverage.
A determination is a falsehood by nature, which says, 'these considerations and not these others', falsely strengthening some connections between considerations while simultaneously falsely weakening others, polarizing and biasing an environment of considerations.
Aligning some consideration against others creates a sense of absence for many considerations and those who share them, which is a perpetual need that does not heal unless the image of truth is restored. And so, for as long as that wound in the truth is prevented from becoming healed, it is an opportunity for those who made and perpetuate it to capitalise on the need, the suffering, and the confusion of those considerations which were attacked and abandoned. So, they impose a falsehood, which creates suffering and sense of need, and then they exploit the situation for their own personal gain.
And this behaviour is what institutional medicine is comprehensively about: Where governments whose pre-determined goal is to produce conclusions which support their drug-prohibition policies are also who license and regulate drug research (which establishes the doctrine from professional practice to academic study), where the companies that choose and fund the research that seeks and receives licenses are 'in the business of shareholder profit, not helping the sick,' where those scientists who carry out the selected, funded, and licensed research, and who produce its conclusions are "reward"-motivated to count-as-confirmed every bias which makes their employer more money and which gains them more recognition, control, and dopamine-availability increase, ... and where those who employ and enforce the narrative chosen by the former three groups have “reward” (increasing their personal dopamine-availability) as their primary motivation, and where those doctors, specialists, etc, have determined that “reward” within themselves to come from contributing to the doctrine that is a murderous lie.
As I've said before, Science, which is the practice of making determinations upon observation, is a method of falsification, and which is a tool of sociopaths, and which instils further sociopathism within a person's mind, and within society.
All the while, the truth is that mental stress, depression, anxiety, psychosis, ADHD, PTSD, autism, bi-polar, schizophrenia, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, and a lot more, are all only caused by insufficient dopamine-availability in a person relative to the amount of work their brain is attempting, or being forced to consider, and that all of these ailments are completely preventable (and most of them fully curable) by taking cocaine in the right manner. Also also that cocaine, and other criminalized dopaminergics are far healthier and well-being producing that anything that exists within a doctor’s arsenal of effectiveness-reduced, side-effects increased, ailment locking-in pharmaceuticals, and that the real reason why cocaine is prohibited by an echelon of sociopaths from confident use in society, is this:
Because it proficiently works to prevent ailments, to heal ones that exist, to increase mental fortitude and acuity, making its absence seem too great a tool for societal and capitalistic leverage.
Related posts:
Where Does A "Drug-Induced" Psychosis Really Come From?
How Belief Affects Mental Stress Treatment, and the Effect that Anti-Drug Propaganda Has on Mental Health