
Concepts, 2nd-Tier

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Article: Why does autism cause such anxiety? Scientists say people with the condition 'can't understand their own emotions'


Why DOES autism cause such anxiety? Scientists say people with the condition 'can't understand their own emotions'

It's because considering is the work of a brain, which is the processes of connecting information, and connecting information in a brain requires dopamine-availability. And when dopamine is not available in enough quantity, development, which is the linear growth of considering, suffers. When a woman has dopamine deficiency during her pregnancy, that will result in stunted development of her child, which may or may not be severe enough to produce an autistic child.

When a child is born with autism, their brain has been left in an incomplete development state, which is inefficient in its work:

When considering completes, it resolves as Reason, and whereas hundreds of different threads of not-yet-resolved considering processes will require quantums of dopamine for each of its separate queries, once all those processes resolve into their Reason, they require only one quantum of dopamine for their resolved state to evaluate as True. Before resolution into oneness, all the smaller processes have their own individual progressing queries, which each need to be powered separately with a quantum of dopamine for each True to form a new connection between pieces of information. Once considering processes are resolved, powering their completed wholeness requires only the same quantity of dopamine as any single True evaluation.

As I've said since early on, consideration becomes conduit for emotion, and to understand emotion in oneself, and others, a person must consider it. To consider it, a person must have sufficient dopamine-availability to complete the work that is considering, which is work that is quantified, and which requires a quantifiable amount of dopamine to complete. And as I've previously said, when a person lacks dopamine, they don't know... and that's simply it. Life become less bright, the person's brain can't handle larger concepts and works slower, they become stagnant, mentally congested; food, music and touch lose their greater satisfactions, and ability to see and plan ahead in life reduces and even entirely fades.

 Dopamine is what lifts all the work a person's brain is engaging up towards its resolution, and is what lifts a human physiologically up into being able to perceive, experience, and engage life.


The relationship between dopaminergic and adrenergic influence in a body can be usefully thought of in this way:

The neural pathways in a brain are like directionally-pressurized pipelines, and synapses are nodes where work is completed upon the information that is passing through the pipelines. When adrenergic influence is increased, the rate of flow that is the pressure of the information that is passing through the neural pipelines is increased, which means that the workload at synapses is increased, and the work-capacity of synapses also needs to be increased to keep pace with the incoming work.

When dopamine is increased, the proficiency of synapses to identify, sort, connect, and regulate the information that is passing through them increases, thereby decreasing the experience of pressure, and strain from the incoming flow of information, and easing the workload for synapses and ensuring that a robust and proper job is accomplished by them.

Mental stress is only the lack of dopamine-availability to process the flow of information at synapses. And a person doesn't need to be experiencing identifiable stress to have dopamine deficiency. Anyone whose awareness brightens and sharpens when they increase their dopamine levels without letting adrenaline levels also increase was in a state of dopamine deficiency, and is experiencing persistent stunted development, and is at an increased vulnerability to health issues, culminating in various old-age degeneration. Many of the various states of old-age degeneration which people think is normal are actually just the straight-forward destinations from dopamine deficiencies that people didn't attend to throughout their lifetime.


Most dopaminergics greatly increase negative adrenergic influence, while only meagerly increasing dopaminergic influence, and so are like slightly-increasing the positive processing capability of synapses, while more significantly increasing the pressure caused by the flow of information to those synapses - and so they are often counter-productive, and can create contradictions within a brain, where some areas of a brain's considering mostly receive benefit from increase dopamine allocation, while other areas of the same brain's considering don't experience an increase in dopamine, but experience an increase in pressure from the adrenergic influence, and consequently worsening the negative outcomes of those stressed processes. This is what happens when methamphetamine or other amphetamine users go on long binges, and after a day or so progressively become more jittery and anxious. This is also why many dopaminergic prescription medications are hit and miss with different people.

Because the cocaine salt inhibits the uptake of norepinephrine by the heart, preventing an acceleration in the body's circulatory system that inevitably hastens processes throughout a person's whole body, and because cocaine's dopamine increase is significantly greater than any other dopaminergic, cocaine is able to produce all the desired and positive benefits of dopamine's increase, while shielding a person from the risky and health-unfavourable consequences of prescribed dopaminergics.

And, of course, the anxiety mentioned in the above linked-to article is merely a simple outcome of dopamine deficiency.


So, a woman can safely and effectively prevent autism by taking cocaine during her pregnancy, with all the other factors I've previously mentioned taken into account. And doing so will also enhance the positive development of the fetus and her child, and give her child the strongest physiological foundation for the rest of their life.


Also, just as an aside, pure cocaine taken with consideration for all the environmental and mental-preparatory factors I've mentioned before reliably fully cures a psychosis within a few hours, even when the psychosis is very severe and existing for many years prior. But those considerations I've previously mentioned are fully as important as the cocaine is, because even though cocaine inhibits norepinephrine uptake by the heart, and saves a person from experiencing the bulk of negative adrenergic effects that other dopaminergics far more easily produce, it still increases adrenergic influence in a body, and increases norepinephrine uptake by the heart, albeit very little relative to the amount it bolsters dopaminergic influence. That means that, if troubles processes in the brain receive the increased adrenergic influence more easily than other processes, and if calmed processes more easily receive the increased dopaminergic influence than do any troubled processes (and this is indeed what happens), then if a person doesn't take care to ensure

And when a person is more active while taking a dopaminergic that increases adrenergic influence, they're strengthening the directionality of signals in their brain, which could cause anxiety due to the increased strain placed upon synapses. The logical solution is to boost and saturate a brain with dopamine as much as possible, while preventing adrenergic influence from increasing mental stresses. And this is a reliable and miraculously effective cure for dopamine deficiency and its emergent ailments, which probably make up the majority of all conditions treated by contemporary institutional medicine.

Remember, institutional medicine isn't there to cure people, but to maintain an authority and make profit off of having people to treat. And this truth is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in the previous century, and for the compromised lives and various sufferings of billions of people within the same time-frame. There has never been a more heinous killer than institutional medicine and those who practice it.


All mental stress and most medical states have already been resolved, and by one person, and it was easy and straight-forward obvious. Even a 6 year-old not yet tainted by their ideology could have figured it out. The reason why those who claim to be professions with these things have been unable to access the truth is because they determined an ideology inbetween themselves and their willingness to consider of the matter, which falsified their circuit of considering these things, and made then ineligible, and unworthy of knowing the truth for themselves. All that now remains to be seen is how much longer these people will choose to act out a sociopathic delusion, and how many more millions of people will these "professional"s be responsible for the suffering and deaths of. When they return to their homes after a day of doing nothing truthful and being paid for it, do they hear the walls of their houses moan with the experiences of the exploitation and suffering that they have been purchased with?


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