
Concepts, 2nd-Tier

Saturday, 18 April 2015

The Actuality of Dopamine Releases

When a person engages ciruits in their mind, each synapse node allocates dopamine to transiting signals across its synpases, just like a computer allocates its memory to active processes. When a brain resolves work, it frees up dopamine that it had allocated to the work. When a person is in need, that sense of need, or the devices of the body feeling hungry, tired, or whatever, are causing many signals to be sent throughout the body, bearing down on the person’s dopamine availability. When a person satiates those needs, and clears their mind of activity, dopamine is returned / released to free availability.

When a person has considered their self-worth to be dependent upon being busy, or accomplishing tasks of certain self-designated stature, their awareness that they haven’t fulfilled their prerequisite to think of themselves as a good dog bears on their brain’s circuitry, and their dopamine-availability. When they satisfy their personal judgment of themselves, there are signals sent throughout their brain that tells them that they’re now a good dog, and don’t need to feel worried or unworthy, and can now feel pleased with themselves – and this relaxes all sorts of processes in the brain, freeing up dopamine, and causes that person to receive these particular-to-sociopaths dopamine releases, which they’ve called for themselves ‘Reward’.

A brain re-wires itself according to how a person considers, and this ‘Reward’ sociopathism doesn’t apply to many people, because for a person who didn’t weigh their self-worth upon what they accomplished, there wasn’t a strain experienced throughout their psyche regarding whether they did something or didn’t do something. And for a person who had enough self-belief to simply expect a successful outcome as certainty upon completing an action, and didn’t count the success to mean anything towards their identity, there is no mental relaxation or self-comforting at the end of completing the action – the already-known outcome simply came to be as already accepted.

Also, in a person who considers truthfully, completing a considering (or any non-mental process) doesn’t invoke mental self-gratification, because for them the resolution of a considering produces a new and greater meaning that is recognized by that mind, and which seamlessly invokes a brand new considering – thus not changing the activity level of that person’s mind. The person who closes down their mind after a task in self-congratulation has compartmentalized the information in their mind into static determinations, and is operating sociopathically.

A person’s perception is a reflection of their own belief. A person cannot see the presence of considerations that they do not have within themselves.

‘Reward’ is a bogus abstract concept that was coined by empty-headed sociopaths, and it has poisoned institutional medicine to cater only to the further benefit of sociopathic dispositions, and to be extremely harmful to those who are not sociopathic regarding their brain-wiring.

Sociopathic brain-wiring works antithetically to truthful brain-wiring, and talking about dopamine’s role and identity is also talking about the primary and foundational motivator behind information transferring across synapses. For all things there is an ordering of considerations, and so information passing for the sake of 'Reward', or personal benefit, is an entirely different reason from information passing on the grounds that it is truthful - and these two motivators lead in entirely different directions. It is a case of ‘if one, then not the other’. And right now, only sociopathic dispositions are catered to by practiced conventional medicine - and that speaks everything regarding the people who are operating conventional medical systems.


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