A person with lowered dopamine is robbed of their potential,
and is deprived of value and meaning in their life. No mental reconditioning alone will fix that – meaning is produced by the connections between considerations,
and those considerations are synaptic connections in the brain, and if there’s
not enough dopamine for it, information won’t be travelling across those
synaptic connections to trigger the awareness and experience of the details to
produce meaning, and to recognize value.
Treatment routes that are based in trying to counsel
somebody to accept a more positive view is on par with trying to convince a
person to simply believe and accept that they don’t need to breathe air, or
that they don’t need to drink water to get by. It is like telling a person
without legs that having legs isn’t the solution to walking, and that they just
need to start walking as they are. It’s useless and unintelligent sentiment
that further victimizes whoever is subjected to it.
Positive perception is the product of synaptic connections
transmitting and connecting many details that bear meaning between each other and substantiate in a
manner that equals something that is in fact positive. If there isn’t enough
dopamine availability to accomplish that, then all that other treatment is doing is exploiting a
person’s state and leading them on with unending false hope, and wearing a person down until they concede their expectations from life. The professionals
doing the exploiting have ample dopamine released in their brains, and are hypocrites.
And the victims of such treatments don’t even know of it,
because their ability to perceive and be aware is dependent upon having a
normal level of dopamine available to them. Lowered dopamine in a person means that their awareness is also lowered to a point that will always sit beneath their
ability to recognize their loss of experience.
And so people made docile by their lack of
information-processing capability get lulled, by medical professionals, into accepting an experience of
life that is so far below even the mundane moments of those who’ve subjected
them to it that it can’t even be seen from where the average person is, and isn’t
known to exist to them. And the people who treat people in these states are so
innocent of the experiences of suffering these things that they have no rightful
place to be treating them at all.
Outlooks can change everything - but only if there is first dopamine enough for a person to piece together what their current outlook is, to perceive how it's influencing their experiences, and to move their mind and brain's information in a way to reshape that outlook by changing their considerations. There should be no expectation of a lengthy time-based-process from a person to do this - dopamine availability directly correlates to mental clarity and strength of thought control, and enough mental clarity and thought control means the ability to make necessary or wanted changes.
Conventional institutional medicine is all about expanding what can take only moments into as expensive, long, and system-dependency-producing a process as possible.
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