
Concepts, 2nd-Tier

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

False Concepts, and the Cranial Effect of Communicating Reason vs Science

Reason and Science are opposing mediums for thought communication.

Everything in the universe is made of Considerations, and all things submit to Reason's principle, as all exists through it. Every Reason is a Concept that is made of Considerations which all evaluate as True altogether in perfect harmony within, but also evaluate True together with ultimate existence.

A False-Concept is still made of inumerous Considerations, just like a Reasoned-Concept, but those considerations are ordered in a manner that evaluates as False against reality as is set by all existence (in the Mind and in the Universe, Reason is all-factoring). The grouped considerations of a False-Concept may evaluate as True among themselves though False against reality, but also could contain multiple groups, each evaluating True to themselves but False against each other, and then again against reality - a conglomeration of False-Concepts presented as one False-Comprehension.

A False-Concept is made of disordered truths, and so everything ultimately is True, but only in the right place, in the right moment, in the right order...

Reasoning is the Universe making things right.

What is produced through the Scientific Method is not based in Reason's principle, but in Willed-Determinations based on assumptions made from observations. Observation is a disconnect between observer and the observed, and thus it bears no inclusion of experience of what is, and so produces no knowing of what is - only a Willed-Determination about what may be. And those Willed-Determinations upon observation invariably produce False-Concepts.

Science bears no connection to Reason, and is its antithesis - but even False-Concepts, such as Science, still submit to Reason's principle - and in the case of both Reason and of Science, when a person speaks from either's precepts, Reason's principle still applies to the message which is given, and in the mind of whoever hears it, and towards that message.

What is based in observation traces back to observation, and cannot be known to be True, and only may be accepted through taking somebody's word as granted True - and doing such breeds Sociopathism in the mind.

What is Reasoned sparks consideration, which is on-the-spot substantiation, and imbues understanding and comprehension directly within a person's mind. But as said, a Consideration can be reasoned into place, but there is no reasoning with a Consideration. Whoever has will be given more.

What is Reasoned will substantiate in each person's own mind with consideration, and so peer-reviews are an Ultimate Uselessness in Reason, and are a device of the old-world Sociopathic rule of Science.

Consideration preempts need for demonstration, but a clear demonstration of the influence that communicating Science has upon the brain will be given at a later time. And it will be seen that the belief in Science itself, and not the technology that has come by it (which has concessionally fallen out of Reason's principle while the brain goes on a downward-spiral, and all of which can be realized far faster and better by Reasoning), is the greatest reason behind the devolution that is ongoing in the average human brain.

Reason, conversely, brings Psycheparous.


Sunday, 24 August 2014

A Dopamine Molecule is a Quantum of Work-Potential

Just as there is inherent numeric-value to all consideration, so there also is to what fuels their processes. Each lowest-form consideration requires a certain amount of energy to complete and evaluate as True, and its successful True-evaluation represents a certain amount of work produced. The Anterior Insula is home of all considering, and its considerations operate on the principle of transistors, directing themselves according to Reason's principle.

Dopamine 'Facilitates the transmission of information across neurons' (which inversely means that reduced dopamine means reduced brain-functionality). Dopamine is the brain's energy, and a single molecule of Dopamine will grant a certain amount of successful work potential for the brain's processes.

Because Dopamine is the fuel which all mental processes are determined, established, developed, and resolved by, every smallest True-evaluation which the Anterior Insula produces holds a Dopamine requirement that must be met in the Prefrontal Cortex, where any of the Anterior Insula’s considerations that needed a ‘Self’ evaluation component as a part of their concepts are output-to, for any Willed-determinations, encapsulation, and execution.

When there is insufficient dopamine-availability in the Prefrontal Cortex, as contrast with the amount of work ongoing in a person’s Anterior Insula, then Mental Stress ailment will occur – and its occurrence can begin very long before it is detectable from an outer observation, and will be progressively fraying the mind and body for all the time prior to outside detection. This is the basic cause for older-age mental deterioration ailments.

It will be a great asset to remember that, as was previously described, the increased release of  a brain's own Dopamine is the effect produced by Cocaine. And that, in fact, Cocaine is the even-healthier release of Dopamine than what naturally occurs in the body, because it inhibits sympathetic Adrenaline releases, which pose threat to mind and cardiovascular health. Adrenaline is also the operational antithesis of Dopamine towards the brain, and its considerations must be known to make engagement of dopamine's role as physio-fuel efficient.

And if a person can expect to receive a certain number of heart-beats in their life, increasing the amount of positive work a mind accomplishes per heart-beat is a matter and measurement for quality of life. For people suffering Psychosis and worse, this is an essential consideration - and as I previously mentioned, I state that Cocaine can progressively treat and permanently cure (sometimes immediately) all Mental Stress ailment.

Note that chemical activity is only 1-half of all human physiological experience and issue, and also that Dopamine's potential is subject to a counteracting by Adrenaline activity.


Thursday, 21 August 2014

Why is Observation a Sociopathism? + Consideration Engagement

This is continuing on from the post: The Problem with Willed-Determination & Observation Being Authority

Observation is a subjective interpretation, and is victim to all of a person's bias, preconceptions, preference, imperceptions, and constrained understanding - and, in the case of research studies, can surrender to governmental / grant-provider / study-license stipulations / bribes / coercion to emphasize, exaggerate, omit, downplay, and speculate certain aspects that completely nullify any presence of Truth in the results, making any result under such conditions a lie that goes on to poison further studies.

What is subjective is experiencing isolation.

But Truth requires full context to give it definition and value, meaning, purpose, and point. There is no Truth in what is viewed in isolated form, and the more reduced form in which a thing is viewed, the less Truth there exists in the perception that views it. This is why Lowest Common Denominator perception, which currently governs most all societal institutions (especially medical science), is a sociopathic ailment, just as Psychosis is an ailment of Mental Stress.

Whenever a subjective sense or perception is used to evaluate what is not subjective - and Truth is not subjective - it is an instance of non-consideration of the objective's reality, and is instead a projection of self-constructed delusion onto a target, while thinking the target as being responsible for what is a subjective delusion. And so it is an endeavor of aggravated Sociopathism - aggravated through being compounded, as hypocrisy is also a Sociopathism.

Observation questions 'What is?' from the obfuscated standpoint of subjectivity. But to Consider, an idea must first be accepted as potentially True, negating the question of 'What is?' and starting with a declaration of 'Because this is True...', and be engaged in the mind as if fully True. Then all details will filter through that considered-idea without any subjective influence, and produce an objective answer of how it is True - or otherwise reorganize its considerations to reveal what is instead True. This process generates all sorts of new connections between details in the mind and causes realization of all sorts of unexpected things.

The Anterior Insula doesn't deal in Falsified evaluations - that is the job of the Prefrontal Cortex.

Making Willed-determinations for the purpose of opposing some other declaration that wasn't liked, with an opinion (all opinions being unverified claims that ultimately will all appraise as either hard-True or hard-False), is sociopathic, by circumventing all consideration of what is opposed. Doing such stunts the development of the Anterior Insula, whose considering is the mechanism of human evolution - and the lack of its engagement for consideration is the nature of the devolution that is ongoing in the average human brain.

Open-endedness in the mind is key to every unknown thing, as it causes related considering to continue subconsciously in the person who didn't sociopathically make a Willed-determination for no good reason.

Acknowledging an unknowing, and not closing its preceding thought (which is a Willed-determination upon Self-belief), but letting it run openly to consider itself all on its own, is producing of smarts - and is converse to what is common. Every thought should be left open to keep evolving itself. It will finalize all on its own when it is resolved - when it experiences Reason and Reason encapsulates it, making it a recollectable concept.


A Greater Reasoning

Reasoning is Mind placing all Considerations so that they are ordered rightly, and so producing Truth, and further, what is Good - which re-defines Truth in the Universe by re-allocating the placement of its Considerations. Once a Consideration is re-allocated by Reasoning, what existed previously no-longer exists, nor did it ever exist. Its other placement is no-more, and will not be again, and record of it cannot be found anywhere. It is as if it never was, and is of no-effect.

This happens in and beyond the universe all the time.

What sits beneath such a change will never know it when it happens, but what sits above it will know it. A Consideration can be reasoned into place, but you cannot Reason with a Consideration. Reasoning is a language beyond normal languages, and it is invisible to Considerations. Maybe some mathematicians would comprehend this experience, as Mathematics is a low subset of Reason, and so is a language that is reasoning.


Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The Problem with Willed-Determination & Observation Being Authority

Note: The Prefrontal Cortex is home of Willed-determinations and Working Memory, the Anterior Insula home of Consideration, Comprehension, and Truth-verifications. The two regions are antithetically purposed and with antithetical capabilities.

A Willed-Determination upon anything that is not a matter which is subjective and Self centric is a tear-down of Considering. Any presence of subjectivity will circumvent Reason, and Observation necessarily defers to Willed-Determination to produce a conclusion.

A Willed-Determination, which is all determination that comes from the Prefrontal Cortex, is subjective fabrication - but where determination is not meant to be Truth-based, such as for an arbitrary choice and commandment of Self-belief, this is OK. Truth-determination comes from the Anterior Insula - but if all the Anterior Insula's considerations are disparate, the Anterior Insula itself evaluates as False as a whole - and then its determinations, while True according to the willed-belief that the individual has built up even for over decades, are consequently lies upon whatever they're directed to.

The Prefrontal Cortex is the centre of choices, which are the exertion of Will. It is incapable of determining anything truthful, and can only choose subjectively, and regarding Self.

Consider, then, what it means regarding the trustworthiness of the average person that PET scan-activity has led researchers to perceive that the Prefrontal Cortex is the centre for determining (equating a Truth-determination with Self-determinations, though they are converse and only possible through antithetical brain-regions). Consider what it means that those writing Scientific study conclusions from observations are often those with higher Prefrontal Cortex dopamine surpluses, and that having such is instrumental to much of scholastic accomplishment. Consider also what these things mean for the veracity of scientific research output.

A Sociopathic mind makes a lot of Willed-Determinations upon all things - and doing such puts stop-orders on considerations that are related to what is being determined. This represses the output of information from the Anterior Insula to the Prefrontal Cortex, which causes the Prefrontal Cortex to have very little work to do. In turn, this maximizes dopamine-availability in the Prefrontal Cortex, which increases Working Memory, allowing for easy Fact Memorization. Prefrontal Cortex dopamine-availability is the totality of the subject of Working Memory, but Fact Memorization is antithetical to Comprehension, and there is relatively very little Comprehension in scientific study, but a deluge of Fact Memorization with misinterpretation of their meanings.

The Scientific Method is a method of Observation, but Observation is subjective and therefore a Sociopathism, and it invariably produces False results - but where Reason is absent, the greatest Sociopathic perception with the highest Consideration-Value reigns dominant. Demonstrations of Observation being comprehensively subjective and producing of False-results are paragraphs 4, and hereand here.

A Scientific Fact is whatever is most reasonably-assumed to be True - claimedly relying on both Assumption and Reason to collectively produce a conclusion, therefore testifying that the Scientific Method, itself, is fundamentally useless and of no value. However, Reason is not Observation-based, or Assumption-based, but Mind and Consideration-based, and so the Reason which the Scientific Method ends up deferring to is not Reason, at all.

Further, for every attempt to take a direct look, Truth pulls back a step. And so Science is like a dog chasing its tail - and reducing itself with every cycle it spins.

This topic is continued in the post: Why is Observation a Sociopathism? + Consideration Engagement


Sunday, 10 August 2014

Consideration-Value, and Other Things of Mental Consideration

When you consider, your mind is working out how to bridge an understood piece of information to another that is not yet understood - and once it succeeds, the two items become one body of information, and recollection of any of its details brings forth the culmination of all considerations that are contained within it. There is no travel-time in a singularity, and every detail within such a body of information is effortlessly known whenever any of them experience relation to any incoming information. A concept is made of smaller concepts, and there can be millions upon millions of instantaneously accessible concepts within one larger comprehension.

Completion of a consideration produces an instantaneous new understanding, or a knowing, and with smaller ones it could be like a synapse suddenly turning on. When the consideration is very low in its overall value, it can experience as scarcely anything - but it all culminates and later considering could contain thousands and then millions of equal Consideration-Value per amount of work. Every typical consideration is culmination of countless prior considerations, and I'm sure there could be trillions of trillions of lowest-form considerations involved in large ones.

As every completed considering creates a new concept which is made up of all its contained considerations, there is inherent numeric value in their total contained lowest-form individual considerations, and so there is also hierarchy in contrasted considerations and concepts, based on their total number of contained smallest-value considerations. Still, every concept, made up of a grouping of Considerations, presents a value of 1 for the overall concept. Considerations of equal contained Consideration-Value would be of equal hierarchy and authority in the mind.

The Anterior Insula has an output, which itself is a Consideration - and if all considerations are reasoned in-line with this single output consideration, then all information a person has within them is fully-known and accessible instantly, at any moment, and in any capacity.

A person's mind is the sum-total of all their considerations that are considered or reasoned together (so if a person doesn't have any...), and their fully-controllable mind is the sum-total of all these that are synced with the output consideration of the Anterior Insula, though potentially countered and offset by those that are not. Groups of considerations that are not synced with this output consideration probably were until being harmed by bigger mental stresses. A scattered, disoriented, or delirious mind is discordant in its considerations, and a fully torn mind can be no different than having more than 1 person within a single body - as those considerations are consciousness, and their thorough separation creates multiple bodies of consciousness. But cycles sit within each other, and one will have more control than others - although whatever has greater Consideration-Value will be able to exert more effort to manipulate a dominance. In the end, if their discrepancies are fully considered, they will be re-bridged, and unified back into one form of consciousness.


Friday, 8 August 2014

Thoughts are the Fragments of Will

Thought is subjective and therefore a Sociopathism - but it can take thought, including extensive thought, for someone to spark the gears of automatic-considering into rolling, and cycling. Conversely, where automatic-considering is already ongoing but hijacked by negative or progression-negating sentiments, it can take willed-cessation of all thoughts to pull-taut the mind back into full control again.

Once things are rolling positively, there needs to be full support of Will put behind that considering, to push it in an upwards direction and keep growing it. As considerations sync (What I've called Consideration-Groups) they will add to each other's strength - whether positive or negative.

Ultimately, there is no thought in Reasoning, as there is no travel-time or differentiation between considerations that are reasoned together - they are synced, functioning as their own singularity. And the value of work produced for everything that is perfectly reasoned is always just 1, and that reasoning is True.

Thought is merely Will, fragmented. Reasoning produces experience, and knowing - not thought.

Thought's resolution produces Will, and thought requires dopamine-availability to occur, control, and produce considering that leads to resolving thought, by reasoning itself into Will. Therefore, Will's recipe is:

- 1-part Prefrontal Cortex dopamine-availability
- 1-part considering until experienced-reason

Mix until evenly leavened. Then let the fucker rise - consciousness layers.

Thought ->- Considering-->--Reason-->--Will-->--Considering-->--Reason-->--Will-->--Considering... cycling.

And crescendoing unto eventual Reasoning.

And Reasoning, which has Will within it, directing its objectives, can still exert Will while continuously Reasoning. And Reasoning draws all considerations into itself.


Thursday, 7 August 2014

Reason's Primary Principle - Everything Necessarily Means Everything Else

Because this is True, therefore these other things are also certain - but these further things are certain-Falsehoods

Everything Necessarily Means Everything Else


Researchers find close partners develop a 'shared' memory - Explanation

This is a good companion article to supplement the previous post's.

Researchers find close partners develop a 'shared' memory

One adopts Pref Cort - and each other creating a cycling between the two bodies' minds rather than the whole process happening within one body's mind. One might (not necessarily) adopt a more Pref Cort dominance and the other a more Ant Ins contribution, and they cycle through each other. Such polar role-adoption is the explanation of cliche male/female relationship roles.

A mind knows what it's tuned to (Reason-syncing, just as the Ant-Ins syncs all its inner considerations), and response to what it's sync'd with is mechanical, no need for aware-consciousness. This refers to one spouse passing shortly after the other, if the spouse is non-conscious - the shared-tuning will even be fact long before enactment.

Everything is Considerations, transitioning all energy between all things within the universe - there isn't a wall between any of it.

If there was full separation between any considerations (such as a person, a mind, a thought, a cell) and other consideration, the two wouldn't be observable within the same reality. The universe wouldn't experience the other, and the other wouldn't experience the universe. They would be two separate existences, not aware of each other and not able to experience each other - and so exerting no influence upon each other. They would pass right through each other without effect, and each would be to the other as if non-existent. This does happen, but not in the case of these articles' subjects.

These two companion articles together bear the same inter-completing relationship as the Prefrontal Cortex and the Anterior Insula - as Will and Reasoning.


After 62 years of marriage, California couple dies 4 hours apart - Explanation

After 62 years of marriage, California couple dies 4 hours apart

Lots of these reports, and a simple reason for their cases:

Dopamine is power and control of thought - which makes it 1-half of Will.

Will to die is a dopamine-involved directive to shut-down will-regulated dopamine releases, which ceases Anterior Insula cycling, which stops the release of Nor/Adrenaline to power the circulatory-system, which stops the heart, which enacts willed-death.

Resignation is also a matter of will, just as lack-of-will is.

Will can be triggered by reasoned electronic signal, or by force through dopamine-availability - and the movement of one causes the movement of the other. Ultimately, however an initiation is focused, the two move together to form a unified electro-chemical exertion.

Every mechanism in the metabolic pathway can be triggered by Will - though it's not something I'm expecting to detail soon.

But, in essence, Willed-Belief enacts Reason's primary principle throughout the Anterior Insula's considerations - which triggers metabolic mechanisms. Hmm, maybe I just did detail it.

Oh, and... Science is a dumb shit blah, blah.


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

To Add to Other Study Links

A couple more of the same study scenario bearing the same results, analysed by different incomplete perceptions.

Cocaine self-administration improves performance in a highly demanding water maze task.

Prenatal cocaine increases dendritic spine density in cortical and subcortical brain regions of the rat.

These add to...

Cocaine enhances memory storage in mice

And, of course, the 2013 version of the same thing. I'm sure it's a standard study, by the looks of it. The results just go absolutely nowhere afterwards - except in the case of the 2013 study, where they go swirling down a fabricated hole.


Bit of Clarification For Previous Posts' Terminologies

Note that chemical activity is still only 1-half of all human physiological experience and issue

"Btw, Prefrontal Cortex dopamine-availability is exactly Cocaine's effective result: Cocaine inhibits this dopamine's reuptake while inhibiting nor/adrenaline uptake"

For anyone who didn't follow all terminology used in the post: A Reason is a concept and a concept is a Reason - Part 1

Uptake = Activation: A molecule is taken from inactive storage and placed where it is in active-duty.

Reuptake = Deactivation: A molecule is take out of active-duty and placed back into inactive storage, or dismissed.

Regulation / Upregulation / Downregulation = Overall shift in Activated-volume of a certain chemical (in the case of this subject, it would likely either refer to Dopamine or Adrenaline).

Dopaminergic = A molecule which imparts a near-direct influence on a body's dopamine activity.

Dendritic Spine = Dendritic Spines grow in reaction to learning, and their density and size reflect the amount of information learned within the span of time during which they were created. Consider their growth-pronouncement as relative to the amount of information the brain processes.

Cocaine does not affect the dopamine that's released, or produced (it's the exact same natural dopamine that existed in the body prior to stimulation), but it shifts the reuptake of dopamine so that the gate, or mechanical-arm (whatever is more accommodating to conceptualize) which removes dopamine from active-duty downscales its removal-quota over a given period of time (or Cycles of work from the Anterior Insula). And, while doing this, it lowers the ratio for Nor/Adrenaline to be activated against dopamine activity.

Pretty scary, huh?

More dopamine, less adrenaline... that's human brain-and-body idealism - except for where there isn't conscious, subconscious, and further consideration-output from the Anterior Insula for the brain to make use of any gained mental-task processing fuel... which doesn't likely apply to anyone with chronic Mental Stress ailment. When a sociopath increases their already-wasted active-dopamine-surplus, they likely just become more of a sociopath - with no appreciation, no de-stressing, no gained think-ability, and no health-benefit.


Btw, when people talk about an "adrenaline rush", what is effectively meant is that there is a cocaine rush / dopamine rush (same thing) present - as dopamine is what adrenaline sympathetically releases in response to (though release-ratios can fluctuate - they are still bound). There is nothing pleasurable about adrenaline by itself: It is an agitator, a / the creator of experienced-stress, it pushes thoughts out of reach of control (this is why Dopamine and Adrenaline are effectively antitheses), and it is very unpleasant in feel. It is only that which provokes its release that 'adrenaline rush' seekers appreciate.

So when you read something like:

"He loves the adrenaline. He loves the jolt. He loves the thrill"

You can know that what's basically meant is 'he's a coke-head', just like his dumb, moron of a son.

Prefrontal Cortex dopamine == Cocaine, and Cocaine == Prefrontal Cortex dopamine. It's too bad that all the dumbest (hypocrite) sociopaths are the ones controlling the voice for what is the definitive exact-cure for a large variety of worst and most-prevalent human ailments - and I'll detail each of their exact applications and mechanism-considerations as I go.

Oh, and "==" is programming syntax for 'is equal to', which is different than 'equals' as the end-result of an equation, or 'is equivalent to', implying they are just very comparable. 'Is equal to' means it is one and the same.

Note that chemical activity is still only 1-half of all human physiological experience and issue


Sunday, 3 August 2014

One More Addendum (Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Adderall, as Relative)


Cocaine is - Dopamine+++++ Nor/Adrenaline --
Methamphetamine is - Dopamine +++ Nor/Adrenaline +++ Seratonin +
Adderall is - Dopamine ++ Nor/Adrenaline +++ Seratonin +

And all their produced effects, any side-effects, and interactions are explainable through simply this.

And remember that Dopamine is in every region of the brain, and 'facilitates the transmission of information across neurons', which means to say: Dopamine is mental-task processing fuel.

And know that Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and similar drugs are not literally addictive: The body does not build a need for them, and 'addiction'-rates vary between 1/4 to 4/10 of people using them - the reasons for which I will provide, along with their resolution. There is a clinical discrepancy between Chemical and Psychological addiction - but Psychological addiction is not an addiction, and calling it such is a great lie, a cop out, and complicit in creating and strengthening any existing behavioural habit.


And, Plus, Also, etc... (A Cocaine / Dopamine Study Reprisal)

Here is an earlier take on the same study-scenario with Cocaine and lab mice, which discovered none of the 2013 version's conclusions:
Cocaine enhances memory storage in mice

The exact same study has been repeated many times over the past decades, always showing the same thing: Cocaine enhances learning, memory, and cognitive ability, by increasing the rate of dendritic spine production.

The only time the recycled study has been concocted to produce the 2013 study's nonsensical results is in that 2013 study.

It must be wondered why the same simple study is repeated so much, and then forgotten a week or so after each time.

Dendritic Spines grow in reaction to learning, and their density and size reflect the amount of information learned within the span of time during which they were created.



I've cleaned up the previous post I made - writing with a 2-week long migraine which practically blinded ability to see, visually and mentally, let alone think to type a post... plus other pains... is tough and I prefer to not write in such times. However, I hate not unveiling further reality-correcting consideration even more.


Response to a Cocaine Study Which Bore a Non-Observable Conclusion

Beneath is my response to the 2013 study:
Cocaine’s effect on mice may explain human drug-seeking behavior

A simplified overview of the researchers' conclusions is here:
Cocaine use boosts learning and decision-making... but only as part of increasing dependency

These other posts also supplement my responses given here:
Earlier instance of the same study-scenario - different result
Additional instances of same study


A short version of my response, targeted towards the simplified "overview" article is:

I don't actually see support for the latter portion of the headline, "but only as part of increasing dependency", in the mentioned observations from the study. I don't see any measurement of dependency, or changing degree of dependency in the given information. I also don't see a sound relation between seeking cocaine and the growth of dendritic spines.

What it appears to discover is that as the mice exert more effort to think and decide, more dendritic spines are formed... and confirms that cocaine improves learning, complex thinking, and memory - period.

Within the environment in which they have been placed, the number one motivation for the mice to think hard is to figure out where the cocaine came from, and where it will next be. If their minds were used for other processes of equal strength, they would surely display the same rate of dendritic spines growth. If this were studied in humans, and the humans were to use their time while cocaine-stimulated to learn a new subject, or perform other mental challenges, they would display the same growth, or more - but towards those new subjects.


My fuller response, which I sent to the university that carried out the study, is this:

Hello. This is feedback for the article study-based article "Cocaine’s effect on mice may explain human drug-seeking behavior".

I don't see a sound relation between seeking cocaine and the growth of dendritic spines.

What it appears to discover is that, under the influence of cocaine, as the mice have gained ability to exert greater effort to think and decide, more dendritic spines are formed - and that, specifically in this lab environment where they have been placed, their primary (or even only) possible motivation to process thought happens to be to figure out where cocaine might be. If their minds were used for other processes of equal strength, they would surely display the same rate of dendritic spines growth - but they are unlikely to face such a possibly, if for no other reason than that they are just mice and which lead the lives of lab mice. If this was studied in humans, and the humans were to use their time while cocaine-stimulated to learn a new subject or perform other mental challenges, the results would most likely display the same growth, or more.

In the study, mice always preferred the side of the chamber from where they had received cocaine. You could replace cocaine with any positive stimulus, and the result would likely always be the same as it was with the cocaine. In a chamber containing a straight male human with a high sex drive, you could put pornography or a naked companion of the kind they like on that side of the chamber, and they would likewise always head to that side.

There is nothing about the cocaine being cocaine, or a drug, that is a significant factor in this.

There are two similar compartments, one thing makes them stand apart, and that thing is enjoyable/pleasurable/satisfying - like offering a meal to somebody who needs to eat. The choice is merely 'pleasurable and satisfying' versus 'nothingness', and, in this case, the nothingness is even below simply nothing... in reality there is no choice for the mouse, and only one direction offered. Which will somebody, anybody, any creature choose? The only thing that's there, at all.

The quote from one of those who studied, "Our images provide clear evidence that cocaine induces rapid gains in new spines, and the more spines the mice gain, the more they show they learned about the drug," seems partially potentially misleading. The study does indeed show that cocaine induces rapid gains in new spines, and therefore enhances learning and cognitive abilities.

But, as previously mentioned, it didn't clearly show that the direct result is that they learn specifically about the drug, but it suggests that they were capable of learning faster and more solidly, regardless of where they focused that learning. When it comes to lab mice whose lives consist of a lot of nothingness and then some cocaine, anything assumed based on their direction of response being towards the cocaine is undependable data.

"Learned about the drug" probably means "were able to recall where the drug last was", and I am wondering how much there would be for a mouse to learn during subsequent trials. I am assuming that the mice would have done a backtrack through their memories to allocate all the places in which the cocaine had been administered, and then focused on the locales where it was most commonly given, which would maybe then be where they would think that there is the best chance of cocaine being again.

It seems like a simple study from which data may be being slightly misconstrued to fit pre-expected or designated meanings, by whoever is testing.

I think there is interesting data to learn here with additional tests, but I would not be eager to derive any assumptions about dependency from a lab rat who has nothing going for it other than the occasional dose of cocaine. If you take a lab-kept human, and occasionally let it out of its cage to receive some sex... since it doesn't even know anything apart from its cage and sex, is is ever going to show an inclination towards anything other than sex, when it is let out of its cage?

If possible to be approved, this study should be done with humans who don't know what the goal of the study is, who don't know specifically what they are being given, and who should then be instructed to study subjects which are first measured for how taxing they are to a particular individual, for the duration of the drug. The growth of dendritic spines should then be measured. I think that the more a person tries to think, the greater the growth of dendritic spines will be, and that cocaine will boost this growth dependent on the subject's exertion, regardless of motive or subject.
